Looking back, I wish I had had more time to choose what fixtures we'd end up with. But mostly I wish Pinterest was around back then.
I recently fell head over heels for this light fixture from Pottery Barn Teen, which I thought would look fabulous in Ruby's room:

Image via Pottery Barn
At $128 it was a definite no-go. But never fear... I began a Pinterest adventure looking for a DIY version.

Image via Freshly Picked
Isn't that gorgeous?? It's made of wax paper! Genius.
Problem: While I really like the look of the white, the colors in the Pottery Barn chandelier were what caught my eye. And the lazy side of me thought it seemed a little labor intensive to use wax paper.
So... I used vellum. I'm not going to go through the whole process because Susan at Freshly Picked has a very thorough tutorial.
Instead, I'll show you a few pictures. Here's the thrifted lamp shade I got for $1.50 at the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop, aka my new favorite joint.
Here's the shade once I had cut off the fabric. I then spray-painted it white.
Pretend that I was smart/awesome enough to take a bunch of pictures of myself circle-punching, sewing and draping. Insert those imaginary pictures here. (Oooooh. Aaaaaaah.)
I installed it above the existing boob light using 4 small screw-in hooks. The fixture has a CFL light bulb so it doesn't get hot. I kept the light on all day today while I was inside and checked it periodically. You know, just in case. It was fine. Barely warm even. (If you attempt this project you'll want to do the same thing since all light fixtures are different.)
Total cost breakdown for the project:
Lamp shade: $1.50
Vellum: $20 (I had to special order the colors I wanted which is why it was so expensive)
Circle punch: $10
Thread and paint: Free. I already had them on hand.
Hooks: Free. My dad bought them for me. =)
Total cost: $31.50
And just for fun, here are some of the other projects I've done in her room:
I have plans to DIY a different kind of chandelier for Iris's room. More on that later. I'm also on the lookout for an industrial style fixture for Ocean's room so if anyone has any ideas about that I'm all ears.
Here's a blurry/jumpy Miss Roo enjoying her new chandelier.
Working on something you saw on Pinterest? Get in on the Young House Love Pinterest Challenge!
very cute! Great use of your pinning Pinterest skillz...
Wow, I LOVE it! Great job Cassie! And you have a hoop wall which is my favorite! I can't stop making hoops :)
Thanks, friends!
Alysa, I love the open-endedness of the hoop wall. Always an opportunity to add more cute fabric! I'd love to see yours...
I love it! The colors are beautiful.
This was my project for the challenge too! :) I LOVE that yours is colored ... I started thinking about how to make colored circles this morning. But vellum is brilliant! I think gray would be gorgeous.
cassie, this is perfect! i love it.
Love it! Great work! I just read the Pinterest challenge on YHL blog. I think I am using Pinterest wrong. Perhaps the mobile version isn't as cool as the full web version?
so unique I love it!
This is adorable! I love it and the colors you chose
I am in awe of your do-it-yourselfedness! I think your version looks better than the PB one. Rock on.
You guys are so nice! Thanks for stopping by!
Susan, thank you for the inspiration!
Bex, have you looked anymore at the web version? I don't have a fancy phone so I only use the web version. Also, it took me some time to get the hang of it.
You have three small kids and you managed to make that - you should get a gold star! I love it and the r and the circles - I'm now off to check out Pinterest - something I haven't yet done - order some vellum and find out if I really threw away those light shade frames that I kept for years without discovering a handmade covering I was happy with. :D
Wow Cassie that is amazing. Paula mentioned this in her blog and I can see how those with talent can make beautiful things. Good for you..You need something bright in your home. Maybe find a project with the kids. Hope you went fishing too!
Paula, do you recognize the blanket over the back of Ruby's rocking chair? It's her favorite... she sleeps with it every night.
I love the colors you've chosen for Ruby's room and your projects are inspiring!
LOVE your designs! I would also really love to know any information you can tell me about those adorable curtains hanging beneath the owls in one of your pics. I love them!
Thanks, Angela! The curtains are "Tree of Life" curtains from World Market. http://www.worldmarket.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3699049
They were the color inspiration for this room, and one of my favorite things in my house. Besides the people, of course. =)
Love this and want to try it for my daughter's room. If I use vellum, is it still necessary to layer and iron a few sheets prior to cutting out circles? Appreciate your time.
Hi Melissa! No ironing. I just circle punched the vellum, then sewed strips of them, one at a time, together on my sewing machine. Then of course I draped all of the finished strips on the lampshade and voila. It's still up in Ruby's room with a low wattage light bulb in the fixture and looks great. :) Good luck with the project and let me know of you have any more questions. :)
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