
a (sort of long) general update

I am 9 days away from my due date and aside from the exhaustion and general aches and pains (which are to be expected) I can't really complain too much. I've been having some contractions (or "surges" as we say in Hypnobirthing language) for the last week or so and I have to say that it's fun to feel my body working to get ready for this baby to be born. I didn't really have any contractions with Ocean until labor began so I'm enjoying the sensations of preparation this time.

We took the hospital tour at St. Joe's tonight and can I just say HOLY COW... those mother/baby rooms are ridiculously tiny. There's no room for a visitor, much less a husband to stay there. And NO showers in the rooms?! Oy. We will definitely have to focus on getting me the hell out of there ASAP after giving birth.

Our house is coming along quickly (it's painted!) and we're hoping to be in by February, but it could even be sooner than that... fingers crossed!

Because our apartment lease is up shortly, and therefore to avoid renting month-to-month, we are moving in with my wonderfully generous and accommodating parents this weekend and will be there until our house is completed. I have to say I'll be glad for the assistance and the company once the baby arrives... Ocean has such a special relationship with his Mimi and Papa and it will be good for him to have in-house spoiling while I'm tending to the needs of his new little sibling.

And while we're on the subject of my little man, I've really been treasuring this time I have with him before the baby arrives. We were playing outside the other day after it had rained; Ocean was stomping, jumping and rolling in the puddles on the sidewalk and just having a great time. I was watching from a few feet away, feeling such love for him and at the same time such sadness that he will be my "one and only" for just a short time longer. By the end of our play time I was wiping away tears because he just has no idea how much his life is going to change in the next couple of weeks... and I wish I could communicate to him how special he is to me, right now, as my only child. People keep asking me if I'm worried that I won't be able to love another baby like I love Ocean, but that's not the case. I KNOW I'll love this baby as much as I love him and it makes my heart ache a little to know that I won't be feeling that love for ONLY him anymore (if that even makes sense). These are probably just crazy ramblings of a highly emotional pregnant mommy so thanks for indulging me.

Thank you for all the emails and phonecalls to check on me... if I don't get back with you right away I've been crazy trying to pack up for the move so please be patient and be assured that I am very grateful for everyone's love and care for me. =)

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